About Us
The Scottish Country Shop has been a Portland institution since 1991. While we are saddened to report the physical storefront closed in December 2018, the new owners are proud to continue the tradition both online and at Games, Festivals and Events throughout the Pacific NorthWest.

Maintaining the Scottish Country Shop is a passion project for new owners James Keyes and Bonnie Cafferky Carter, both of whom have "day jobs."
- Jim is a US Navy veteran (Gulf War I) and is an analyst in the US Dept. of Veteran Affairs. He primarily identifies with Clan Grant. Proud papa of three awesome kids, his favorite part about running the Shop is business expensing trips to Scotland! Jim manages inventory, buying, and special orders. He also runs the Shop's instagramm account. He's your guy for custom orders, measuring, and tracking down your dream items that you can't otherwise locate.
- Bonnie is the managing partner at a small law firm in Lake Oswego (Cafferky | Russoo), where she specializes in estate planning, probate, and small business matters in both Oregon and California -- you can stalk her on Linkedinn. Bonnie primarily identifies as Irish and you may see her three sons around the tent at times. Her favorite part about owning the Shop is selling books and "shiny things" and making rosettes in scarves. She runs the Shop's Facebookk page. Bonnie manages the back end of the shop, including event scheduling, bill payment and technology. She's your contact for calendar questions, advertising, and if you find any broken links anywhere.
Looking forward to seeing you all at events throughout the year!